Saturday, August 19, 2023

Never Enough Proof for Some

Over the past year and a half a very sad fact we’ve all had to come to grips with is the insanely huge number of deaths where the cause can not be - or simply has not been - determined. Along with that factor, we are also witnessing alarming (and never before experienced - in quite the same way) increases in various health issues. Infertility rates have skyrocketed in many countries, certain cancers (and related deaths) have seen a huge and unexpected jump in incidence, numerous healthy young athletes are suddenly and unexpectedly collapsing before our very eyes and never before seen heart inflammation and disease is becoming all to common in previously healthy young people. Against all these facts, one common denominator looms undeniably large...the dramatic increase in number of all such incidents corresponds to those populations that have received the highest numbers of “C-19 vaccinations.”

When facts such as these are cited, those promoting the vaccine narratives (along with their supporting “choir” of mindless followers) are quick to begin chanting, “Correlation does not prove causation.” (Some even go so far as to say “imply causation). Of course this statement, under certain conditions and in certain situations, is true... but as it is being used here, it is entirely disingenuous. What they really want you to take away from the statement (without actually saying so) is, “this is all just unfortunate coincidence.” You see in this kind of situation, the actual choice is that it is either connected or is a coincidence. 

Consider for a moment if those same statistical facts were reversed. Suppose death rates significantly dropped, if fertility rates dramatically improved, certain cancers were all but eliminated and heart disease saw a surprising downturn. If those were the facts, that same group pushing the vaccine narratives would be quick to cite these facts and happily encourage the public to make the connection between health improvements and their “marvelous” product.

So allow me to suggest a few corollaries that are true with regard to the statement, “Correlation does not imply causation.”

1. The higher the rate of correlation, the more likely it is a significant contributor to the cause.
2. “Correlation does not imply causation,” might be more truthfully stated as Correlation does not (on its own) prove causation – but must be considered significant and studied more closely.
3. Correlation is evidentiary and must not be ignored without proof to the contrary.

Up until about 2020, any new drugs or vaccines had to be proven safe before being allowed on the market for public use. The onus was on the drug companies to prove their product was safe and did not cause any of those kinds of events reported earlier in this essay. It was not up to victims (exposed to new and experimental products) to prove the damages experienced subsequent to receiving the product, were not simply experiencing some unfortunate “coincidence.” In the past, because of this safety first policy, many, many pharmaceuticals (whose profiles were nowhere as dark and disastrous as the C-19 vaccines) never made it to the public market while other products originally thought to be safe were subsequently pulled off the market when health incidents began to appear correlating with their use.

So keeping all this in mind, how many of the following facts would you say are simply unfortunate coincidences and, can be stated with certainty, had nothing to do with the Covid shots?

- In the past two and a half years, the number of athletes suffering sudden cardiac arrests and related issues has soared to alarming levels.

- In early 2021, young athletes started suddenly collapsing with heart-related medical emergencies.

- Since then, a staggering 1,884 cardiac arrests or other serious issues have been recorded among athletes. Unfortunately, 1,310 of those athletes died suddenly.

- A preprint review of 325 autopsies found that COVID-19 vaccine was the cause of death in 73.9% of the cases - 24 hours later the study was removed. This happened in a submission for peer review in the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal. Lancet Preprint Showing COVID-19 Vaccine Responsible for 74% of Deaths determined the vast majority of deaths were due to damage to the cardiovascular system.

- 92% of Covid Deaths in 2022 Were Triple+ Vaxxed.  New official figures have been published that reveal the overwhelming number of people who died from Covid had received three or more shots of mRNA vaccines for the virus. The UK government quietly released the official figures for Covid deaths in 2022.

- Heart Disease Risk Soars 13,200% Among Vaccinated, CDC Confirms “A bombshell study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that the risk of autoimmune heart disease is 13,200% higher in people who are vaccinated for Covid. The study found that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA Covid vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population. The study was conducted by the CDC, FDA, and researchers from several top U.S. universities and hospitals.”

- A nationwide emergency has been declared in Peru thanks to a known vaccine side effect, Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Peru is 85% vaccinated. Guillain-Barré Syndrome — Health Emergency Declared.   

- Young Women Developing Aggressive Breast Cancer After COVID-19 Vaccination

- 120,000 American Children 'Died Suddenly' after Covid Shots Rollout. A bombshell new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that a staggering 120,000 American children have “died suddenly” following the public rollout of the mRNA Covid shots.

- Long-Term Heart Damage Found in Vaxxed Children, Study Shows. Children have been found with damaged hearts several months after receiving Covid vaccines, an extended new study shows. Researchers followed a group of 40 patients aged 12 to 18 for up to one year after the children were diagnosed with myocarditis. The study was published by the renowned peer-reviewed “Circulation” Journal.

- All-Cause Mortality Soars 45% in Children & Young Adults since Early 2021, CDC Data Shows. Why? There has to be a reason for this sudden increase in the death rate. The article states in part:

“All-cause mortality rates in babies, children, teenagers, and young adults have soared by a staggering 45 percent since early 2021, new official data has revealed. New data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows an alarming spike in deaths for the 0-24 age group. The CDC data reveals a sharp uptick of 44.8% in excess mortality in the 0-24 age range beginning in early 2021. The deaths appeared to have started soaring when the experimental Covid mRNA shots were rolled out for public use.”

- CDC: Covid Shots Caused 338x Increase in Cancers & AIDS “Official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that Covid shots caused a disturbing spike in the number of Americans developing diseases that decimate the innate immune system.

The new data from the CDC shows that large numbers of fully vaccinated Americans are developing cancers and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).”

- The journal, “Good Sciencing” has been maintaining a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who suffered major medical issues in 2021, 2022, and the first half of 2023. According to this list, all of the athletes on the list share one common factor: They suffered sudden serious health issues after receiving one or more doses of Covid shots. As of April 2023, Good Sciencing had recorded 1,884 athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues since January 2021.

- Meanwhile, recent studies have shown that specific communities of people have not suffered any mysterious sudden deaths or heart attacks. America’s Amish citizens have not suffered any excess deaths from Covid or any increases in cardiac arrests. The Amish people completely ignored CDC guidelines during the pandemic. Therefore, they didn’t vaccinate, wear masks, engage in lockdowns, or partake in any other restrictions. Researchers have not been able to find a single definitive case of an Amish person dying from Covid after analyzing ten of thousands of people.

And so now the question to be considered by all those who seem to be in some kind of denial, about what has been happening all around them, is simply this: “What level of proof is needed to convince you these shots are dangerous and should never have been approved for even emergency use?”

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